Name: Marnie
Real/Forgotten Name: Mariposa
Age: ageless adult
Gender: nonbinary transfem
Pronouns: he/she
Species: sentient computer virus
Race: mixed; indigenous caribbean + japanese
Orientation: lesbian
Marnie is a very cheerful and upbeat person, who loves to socialize with others and is very kind. He's very honest, and while usually kind about it can be blunt when needed. He's very focused on aesthetics and his general appearance, with a large interest in fashion and makeup. He's very stubborn and resistant to change, especially in his opinions and routines. Being a program, he is capable of learning and memorizing information at 10x the speed of a normal human. He has a large amount of undiagnosed mental health conditions, and while good at masking he often breaks down in private. He's incredibly bad at opening up about his feelings and problems.
Marnie used to be a normal human, and grew up in a cult where he experience severe religious and familial abuse. He eventually broke away when he was 18 and went to college, where he met his girlfriend. He started the process of recovering from his mental health and trauma, but it was abruptly cut short - he and his girlfriend became involved in an off-campus psychology that was actually a cover for people attempting to turn the human consciousness in a sentient, weaponized computer virus. He and his girlfriend were turned, losing most of their memories, and their bodies disposed of in the process.
Marnie fought viciously after being turned and ended up sending his entire self away from his captors in the form of a text message to a random number. This person turned out to be Mayumi, who he now lives with via her electronics. He would eventually go on a journey to free his girlfriend and regain his memories with her help.
View his gallery here!